
About Sculptor Joanna Allen

Joanna Allen




Joanna Allen is an english early career sculptor. Her training has been both academic and atelier. She has been fortunate to learn under, and alongside, many great international figurative sculptors.

She is interested in what is happening in the world today, transferring thoughts and feelings about these issues into the pieces as she works while also looking for a connection between the subject and the material.

Joanna works with traditional materials such as bronze, clay, and plaster, but also natural and sustainably sourced materials such as wool, wood and found items. She is trained academically in figurative arts, however her interest is in the contemporary with a side note of abstract expressionism. Her style tends to be characterised by these genres which she uses as tools to explore questions of politics, culture and society. 

Joanna’s work sits in museums and private collections throughout the UK, Europe and the USA.



19th - 21st January 2024. ART SG Singapore.
5th May – 16th June 2023. The Power of She: A Tribute to Women in the Arts. Bowman Gallery, London.
June - July 2022. Masterpiece Fair London. Royal Hospital Chelsea, London.
May 2022. When Matter Becomes Form. Bowman Gallery, Duke Street St. James. London.
August 2020. Outside of Lockdown. The Melford Gallery, Mayfield
March 2020. European Museum Modern Art. Barcelona permanent collection
March 2020. European Museum Modern Art. Barcelona purchase award
December 2019. European Museum Modern Art. Barcelona
July 2019. Royal Society of British Artists. The Mall Galleries, London
June 2019. FACE at La Galleria Pall Mall
May 2019. Prestigious Founders Company Prize finalist. London
May 2019. 14th International Salon Finalist. Art Renewal Centre
May 2019. Chronic: Figurativas 2019. European Museum Modern Art
April 2019. The Royal Society of British Artists
March 2019. Chronic. The Portrait Sculptors Society
May 2018. FACE at La Galleria Pall Mall
March 2018. The Portrait Sculptors Society


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